Papillary carcinoma – Thyroid



Papillary carcinoma thyroid

Papillary carcinoma thyroid: Papillae having fibrovascular core and are lined by tumor cells having ground glass nuclei (H&E,X50)


Papillary carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma thyroid: Papillae having fibrovascular core and are lined by tumor cells having ground glass nuclei (H&E,X400)


Papillary carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma thyroid: Papillae having fibrovascular core and are lined by tumor cells having ground glass nuclei (H&E,X400)


Papillary carcinoma

Papillary carcinoma thyroid: Papillae having fibrovascular core and are lined by tumor cells having ground glass nuclei. occasional cell is showing nuclear pseudoinclusions. Nuclear grooves are seen (H&E,X400)