• Comprise 2% of salivary gland neoplasm
  • Encapsulated tumor consisting of exclusively oncocytes without any features of other salivary gland tumors
  • Oncocytosis – diffuse oncocytic metaplasia of ductal cells accompanied by loss of acinar units with preservation of lobular architecture
  • Multifocal nodular oncocytic hyperplasia
    • characterised by multiple non-encapsulated nodules formed by the proliferation of oncocytes
    • features favouring oncocytic hyperplasia are
      • multiple nodules rather than single nodule as in oncocytoma
      • lack of capsule
      • Nodules with lobular configuration which gradualy merge into normal ducts and acini
      • focal clear cell change
  • Clinical features
    • presents as painless swelling
    • Site – most common in parotid but can occur in submandibular gland and minor salivary glands also
    • Age – elderly age group (6th to 7th decades)
    • Gender – without sex predilection
    • Risk factor – exposure to radiation to the head and neck region
  • Pathological features
    • Gross – encapsulated solid lesion with mahogany brown colour (reddish brown)
    • Microscopy –
      • Tumor cells arranged in trabecular, sheets, nodules, rarely glandular pattern which are separated by scanty loose vascularized stroma
      • microcyst formations are seen
      • Nodules of ocncocytes are surrounded by basal cells which are positive for p63 and CK5/6
      • Oncocytes are cuboidal or polygonal with abundant granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and with central round nuclei and distant nucleoli. special stains like PTAH can be used to high light mitochondria
      • psammoma bodies, squamous cells, sebaceous and goblet cells may be present focally
      • Tyrosine rich crystals which are eosinophilic needle shaped or plate like are present either with in oncocytic cells or extracellularly
      • Areas of infarction and squamous metaplasia with atypical nuclei can also be seen
  • Variant
    • Clear cell oncocytoma
      • 11% of oncocytomas has clear cells as predominant component 
      • shows female predilection
      • clear cytoplasm is due to glycogen accumulation
      • These tumors have high frequency of bilaterality and recurrence
  • Differential diagnosis
    • Warthin tumor – Oncocytoma with lymphocytic infiltrate in stroma
    • Acinic cell carcinoma – similar cell arrangement and granularity in the cytoplasm but nuclei is peripherally located, in contrast to centrally located nuclei in oncocytoma